Anything but trivial is the second album bop which has broken
new musical ground, along with the expressive voice of Marinos
Kurda. Driven by the band’s rhythmic fraction, Reinhard Mautner
on bass and Gerhard Krobath on drums, the production oscillates
between rock’n roll, pop and reggae. Who knows, Elvis
may well have sounded like this today? However, the album
includes 10 new songs and two bonus tracks – one of them even
in Austrian dialect, in contrast to the other titles all sung in
English. The trio was supported by numerous musicians in the
studio, such as Tom Mueller on sax, Antonia Konrad – backing
vocals, Juan Carlos Sungurlian, Alex Wagner, Heli Markfelder
– all of them on guitar, and by the “a capella” group “The Voice”.
Recommendations? Thereareplenty – forpeoplewholovemusic!