Yta Moreno / Christian Gonsior / Fred Mascavo

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Ouro Negro



Music for the heart and balm for the soul!"

Ouro Negro" enchants with the melancholy, special harmony of tenorsaxophone and voice. The transparent tone creates a unique soundthrough the deliberately reduced, unusual instrumentation: light,airy, relaxed. "Ouro Negro" means "black gold" and refers to theinfinitely rich treasure of Afro-Brazilian music. 

The all-rounder Yta Moreno from Rio, here on vocals and guitar, andthe Viennese saxophonist Christian Gonsior have been making musictogether since the mid-1990s and share an enthusiasm for the samemusic. They immerse themselves in the fascination of rhythms andsounds, create something new from them and take the listener on anexotic, magical journey. The CD "Ouro Negro" is the result of years offruitful collaboration and musical creativity between the two inVienna. The CD presents exclusively original compositions, inspired bythe musical colorfulness of Brazil and North American jazz. Morenocomposes funky pieces, but also Choros inspired by experiences ofnature, such as birdsong, takes special widespread Brazilian rhythmssuch as Partido Alto, Baião or ingratiating sambas as a rhythmic basisand integrates the melancholy mood of lost loves, the melancholy andthe Brazilian attitude to life of Saudade. Gonsior's compositions alsoreflect North American jazz as well as West African and Afro-Cubanrhythms

Yta Moreno – guitar, vocals
Christian Gonsior – tenor sax, flute
Fred Mascavo - percussion


Yta Moreno, born in Rio de Janeiro in 1955, can already look back on a 50-year careerwith a busy concert schedule at home and abroad. Videos of his TV appearances can befound online - 20 years young! His radiant smile and velvety voice have remained thesame, as has his dedication to music, which is as intense as it is subtly touching. He haswon several awards in his home country and has shared the stage with Brazilian starssuch as Nara Leão and Luiz Melodia. Yta Moreno has been active as an artist in Viennasince 1990 and has worked with jazz greats such as Karl Ratzer and the best Africangroups in Austria.


Christian Gonsior, born in 1969 in the province of Salzburg, has meanwhile become anveteran in the Austrian jazz world. He graduated from the University of Music in Viennaand plays in numerous formations, always focusing on independence and improvisation.Most recently, he produced the international Latin jazz CD "Trato Común", togetherwith the US percussionist Leopoldo F. Fleming! In the trio with Moreno and Mascavo, heshows his gentle and melodious side. After all, he is also known as an unconventionalmusician and composer from formations such as Takon Orchester and KlangkombinatKalksburg.


The third member of the group is the Brazilian percussionist and drummerFred Mascavo, born in 1977. Mascavo has developed a special set of instruments and aplaying technique that he calls "Drujon". Traditional Brazilian percussion instruments incombination with drums and cajon create an extravagant sound. Together with Morenoand Gonsior, Mascavo brings all his musicality and his own unique groove.