Alexander Fisher

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Childhood Samba



“I am convinced that jazz can and must reflect the feelings, thoughts and emotions of people. Because of its own special, spontaneous language, it is in an excellent position to give a sort of illustrated life-stories of people (and even animals). Here the stylistic possiblities of individual expression and interpretation are nearly endless.
Every great jazz musician creates for himself either his own personal musical world, or he adds freshness to an already existing world; to an established musical tradition he brings his own voice. That’s how the great jazz musician of the past worked (although he himself may not have analyzed it in this way).
This is the approach I have chosen, in the context of my own limitations. There are, of course, other approaches—most notably “abstract” jazz, which by is own definition has no relation to life. It, however, can only be successful when played by exceptionally talented and skilled musicians.”  Alexander Fisher

"Was der erstklassige Trompeter mit einem lyrischen Ton aus seinem Blech rausholt, ist eine wunderbare Jazz-Melange aus Hoffnung und Verzweflung, Humor und Ernst, Wut und Zuneigung. Seine Stärke sind ausgefeilte Kompositionen und Arrangements und dabei lebt beständig die stilistische Freiheit." JazzPodium, 3/08.