Jubilo Elf

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live at Porgy & Bess


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The Progressive Jazz-Trio JUBILO ELF is full of surprises—not only because of history !



Some of the songs consists of musical sections which also could be compositions for its own. Jubilo Elf prefers the large rooms, not only in a physical way but also –with enormous spread in an epic way. Sometimes Elfi Aichingers clear voice seems to be an instrument of performed psychic Pantomine. She outlines -accompanied by sound collages, melodic and rythmic patterns- little dramatic scenes. In Austria there are many high-quality jazz vocalists, but few who combine literature and expressive power in Jazz-music. Aichinger, who is especially well versed in  many different vocal techniques, is a highly reputated singer,composer and teacher(Vienna Music University/Anton Bruckner University /Linz)




The fulminant piano and synthesizer- player C. Cech leads the department for jazz and improvised music at  the Anton Bruckner University / Linz/ Austria.


He is a composer and conductor as well for jazzbands  and classical ensembles.(Big Band Nouvelle Cuisine, Janus ensemble,..). For his different musical works he got some awards but no one till now had awarded him for his independant work with left hand and right hand!  ...listen to the basslines he plays during the Jubilo-Elf concert in Porgy & Bess!



 Drummer and Percussionist Mecky Pilecky is not a composer in a normal sense: sometimes he develops songs out of shamanic ecstasy journeys. It was his idea to bring Jubilo Elf together after a break of nearly twenty years: he invited Aichinger and Cech to play one or two songs from older days for his CD- Anthology „Magic Rooms“. After one rehearsal Aichinger, Cech and Pilecky decided to start a reunion, Some months later a new program was finished which you can hear now on this CD !




History: Twenty Years ago Jubilo Elf made their first CD- „Missing Link“ –on a french label (Thelonious/Harmonia Mundi) after they had successfully played on „Grenoble jazz- Festival“.


Jubilo Elf played many European Festivals  in Austria, Germany, Russia, Sweden, Italy and France. You can find former (Wiesen Jazzfestival 1988) and new documents on youtube.


Enjoy Jubilo Elf "live at porgy&bess" on ATS-Records.