Stefan Moser is an actor by profession, but in his second vocation he is a musician who wrote his first songs at the age of thirteen. For exactly twenty years he has been performing as a singer, guitarist and composer of his own songs. In 2018 he used this stage anniversary as a reason to give a strong musical sign of life: the album "Zwanzger", which combines 11 songs from the last two decades: love and life songs, but also critical and satirical from his longtime band and from top-class duet partners: Austrian-style music and Austrian charm, sometimes reminiscent of Fendrich or STS, but definitely Stefan Moser's name. Rock with heart and a lot of groove!
Stefan Moser, Akk. Gitarre, Gesagg
Magdalena Kafel Chorgesang, Altflöte
Alfred Valta Bass
Christoph Kotter e-Gitarre
Helmut Brandner Schlagzeug