the music should refl ect what the musician
is concerned about. as soon as the spoken
word enters the world of music, a new dramatical
dimension is created. we explore different
languages spoken in kosovo (serbian, albanian
and turkish), and combine them with lyrics in
german and english. because the spoken word
has an ability to behave as a musical instrument,
the words are often used to create pictures,
sounds and atmospheres. but the word is
no servant of music.
the fi rst part refl ects everyday life in kosovo,
easiness and indifference, as well as the tense
relations. the second part is describing the inevitable
fl ight. the third part is embracing the
new beginning myth, and all the diffi culties an
individual is facing after the fl ight.
SOUNDS OF KOSOVO is not only self expression,
but the story of exclusion, lack of
rights, humiliation and self-assertion - a story
which circumstances i try to show and break.
irina karamarkovic