In 2014, Fransen Musikʼs debut „Mittwoch“ was released by ATS Records (CD-0832).
For their new album, „Fransen Text – Die Siebentagewoche“ the two musicians
Hannes Sprenger (saxes, electronics) und Klex Wolf (keys, electronics) cooperated with
the writers Ursula Timea Rossel and Markus Köhle, who rendered their texts by
themselves. Both of them treat each and every of the seven weekdays volubly, which
results in a bunch of 14 tracks of words and music.
Both of the authorsʼ approaches to our principal time structural elements, the
weekdays, are possibly dissimilar: Tyrolean born Markus Köhle, a major protagonist of
the Austrian poetry-slam-scene, reads his texts rhythmically, associates long, delicate
chains of variations – „Dönerdonner – Donnerschlag – Donnerdürüm – Donnerstag –
Donner-, Herz- und Ratschlagseinsatz – Donnerstagspläne sind für die Katz“ („... plans
for thursday are all for nothing...“), declares succinctly „Void is wednesday –
wednesday is not a day...“ and suggests „Friday should borrow his image to monday
His latest literary release is „Kuhu. Löwels. Mangoldhamster. Die vier Jahreszeiten der
Wolpertinger“ (incl. Drawings by Sabine Freitag), Sonderzahl Verlag.
Swiss native Ursula Timea Rossel is assigned to the merit of having invented Fransen
in her novel „Man nehme Silber und Knoblauch, Erde und Salz“, released in 2011 by
Bilgerverlag – therefore two years before their actual formation: „...and immediately,
within a few seconds, as soon as he would perceive the lessening of the magic by the
fringes („Fransen“) of the scenery, everything would be over, he would unclamp every
single finger from the railing and let himself fall down in slow motion into beauty, into
the absolute, into the void, into the shady land, into the farthest west...“ She operates
„Cryptogeography“, and in her text about tuesday she states: „The sight of God is
nothing for poltroons.“
The Fringemusic contrasts, counterpoints, constitutes and constructs itself together
with the texts into a „lexicotone“ ensemble, potentially headed by a qoute out of G.K.
Chestertons novel „The Man Who Was Thursday“: „Permit me to pull your nose.“
Ursula Timea Rossel – Autorin und Sprecherin
Markus Köhle – Autor und Sprecher
Hannes Sprenger – Saxophone und live electronics
Klex Wolf – Tasteninstrumente und live electronics