Fred Hoelzl has been playing the Blues for over 25 years now and originally
dedicated his music to the fathers of the Blues. But as time goes on he found
more and more joy in creating his own music and feeling the power of
expressing himself through his compositions.
Stilistically he combines elements of Blues with Soul, Folk, Rock and Singer-
Songwriter. The distinct charismatic voice and the typical sound of the blues
harp are accompanied by acoustic guitar, saxophone, vocals, hammond organ,
piano and violin.
Ever since he started making music Fred Hoelzl has been mastermind of the
band „Blueswuzln“ - literally meaning: „rolling“ the Blues, just like rolling a
cigarette. The lineup varies from acoustic duo up to a five piece band. In the
meanwhile Blueswuzln are well established in the Austrian music scene and
one of the best known Blues combos throughout the country.
No matter in which lineup he performs, Fred Hoelzl is always driven by the
joy of making music and the power of the Blues that touches the audience’s
Fred Hoelzl - Gesang, Akustikgitarre, Bluesharp, Stompbox
John Henry - Keys, Piano
Margarethe Hlawa-Grundner - Violine
Manfred Wambacher - Saxofon
Diana Daniel - Gesang
Arno Briggman - Bass, Percussion